A place to work on my on-going projects.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

the untoasted change of jo.

Note:- Its been a while since i last posted on this blog, You'd be happy to know that i've finished exactly two more chapters on the previous story which still remains suspended among the hazy mist from last winter. For your reading pleasure and tickling fancy i present to you another piece which was previously posted in my main blog "Strange, Very Strange...!". If all's well i will be posting more snippets from the previous story over a period of time as i've gathered enough pieces to make a (w)hole. Au revoir!


There was wonce a man called John,
woo Them called Jo (them tongues was whalf-basked, cannotnot blame thems fore that) Them all whenced two the morket square in three's company, the fourth they sayed was for Jo. The marrakesh sqate this very fine day was lient up with the vileage jokes from taciturnville. The pokes comprised of the ages all. The rude vileage olde jokes, who sat in the three cornereds with Them, lighting up their pips and talcking only with theres sharp, uncanny and virulent highs.

The fool amongst the jokes was talking with his little croonked highs, He wuss callt Cock-eye also, they and Them lookt into him highs and at wonce both thinked of this joker Bush as a twistend fellow whom was most vile and ever more sligh than the mast cunning cunt in the whole of the mounchains, even the mirrage breaked when he sheen himself every mourning with his highs.

Thence there wasn't any middel aged jokes in them vileage, them had alls been kilt in the saksoned war of the middledies. They fought for Powder, Hunter and Gluttony. (Them not know that all three toons was hided in the bald bastids toolet rows, them has sulphured from axestream conspiratation and falled on their own stools when dying from hutnosed assfixiation.) Oblivion to such stinky norledghe the stupid middledies whenced and declared war at the beheads of thems Olde joker bush, whom have caused all middledies to dye a most colourfool deadh thanks being very dutily to them Mural poolish who speared no one of them blunt middledies and kilt thems all to debt.

Recoun thing such incidence the joker Bush have cut his dikk and flong it to the fourth end of this madness scare where Jo wast, the joker thence stance up in dickgust and say "thees way, high shall never stand up for any thong arsegain! You under cheny me?" All the other mute vileage pokes larfed in eggsitement and some ate them eyeballs and levers in this celebating pee.

All along them rocket sake towers there was childwrench from the vileage too, them lyttle ruffians kempt playing a game hof hoffing the hofse, them go cashing the hofse all aloud the watch tower and them not stop till them see the hof take him last breadth and kick him on his shoes (silly childwrench tong the horse to himself, them don't know we hofseses breed through our stomachs and not shoes and died). Unfarshootingly the hofse whom died in the mocket skake catos was a priced ponch which axetully beguiled to the meanbest moony merchunk in this mireeud muppet swake whom was an axe royull moonarch blabelled 'Misreprepresentation the vorst'. Him have been drown outted from him classle by saayco munkeys whom now rule themselves in them own classle now. Mir-bun as him is called saw him hofse's deadbody and farted crying at the top of him vice, the vileage joker bush not like it and him kill this moonarch with him hole gun, which mad the moonarch blees to death.

And so endead the mocket sqays bust-tull and all vileage folk have almost died because of th infarcted joker Bush whom shred him vile dis ease and discoiet to everybum in the prowess of the mandness sturck whcih the mocket sqake, nobody talcked abhor Jo, because him was the moonarch's cussing, him full name was lantern rereeled to be 'John shits the guile' an underwearer moonarch aperitif from the ciggarette sergis G.I. die whoce booties came to an enth afchur the moonarch's deadh, and him hatch again bechum a frog.

- Gilmod Jafna

Monday, February 20, 2006

Untitled story Chapter 1

In a bylane somewhere on the long and winding road, two groups came to live next to each other..

The guys.. And the girls..

The guys got sweet drinking water from their taps..

The girls got sour hard water sourced from a borewell..

It seemed like the two would never really interact.

But, I knew the girls in front of our house.. That vivacious girl there, wasn't she an ex-flame? But of course she's a good friend I realised on looking more closely.. Her name was happy, I started calling her that wen I met her years ago.. Now everyone else did too!

I was lookin opposite thru my window which looked quite annoyed cos I was leaning on it peering across, while my room boys made merry with their new drinking buddy jerry..

I slipped and fell down our tree house structure and I climbed back up n saw there was a feast at happy's place! Happy was with her friends let-me bee, touch mee not, fat tee, marry mee and a couple of other 19 friends! I tried to sneeze back into my place, I saw glimpses of sam-ee in her white dress reading a book in the evening breeze, to her left the feast was on, with the boys coming in and happy's courtsman was there three with his friend dia bee, cock-ee and dia-bee were old pals but looked older than they were, as I saw this happy called out to me "let it beeee! Won't u join us?" I thought for a moment and then flew to happy's, all the while thinking ... Wasn't that my line which happy just used? Won't you join us! It was our mission statement! My friend Crack jeeve and I were on a mission to spread dew-e a.k.a Tea to all, so that everyone saw the Other side and revelled in its subtlety, I was indeed and in fact on the other side now from where I could see my towering tree house (fertilisers gone out of control, *sigh*) which was now the OTHER other side, considering the fact that I was now not in it but opposite it. I must have taken quite long to think so much.. Happy burst into my face with an eager tone "Aren't I looking smashing today?" I looked at happy and she was looking sweetly towards mine eyes, wearing a halo around her head and an angel pink shirt and a skirt which wore a moving mauve colour, draping neatly around her, and her nose so curvaceous that it only complemented her wholeness "you look good" I blurted in an aristrocatic tone. Couldn't help but notice them monstrous thighs.. I thought to myself,

She was smashing indeed I thought.. Or rather ready-to-smash was the answer! Pepper spray was out of fashion these days. Thunder thighs was the old new remedy. Every Phfemale wore them and some "wannabe females" too in the words of happy...

I turned to call my friends as I was surrounded by a deep, frantic mist, which made the atmosphere very mystical for a moment…. but I wiped it off and called out to my boys. I preffered the pompous celebrations to the mysterical mist anyway!

The boys decided to walk it up, flying was out of question; the flies fought for their flying space these days and could get really frightening. The boys came in all but somber and the whole crowd was gripped by sudden hysterical hiccups but they drank it down with more wine...

Chaos ensued as jeeve entered a little late (his watch ran slow these days, under direct influence from his brains) wearing his usual jacket, standing there with a curious pelvic front which was sticking out and dandy crooked glasses placed on an insignificant nose. Peering at all the hapiness he thought it was above him so he went to the 6th floor and looked down on the people! The letching had done its trick and all the girls felt itchy due to the constant above worldly gaze, They all started scratching each other when suddenly a colorful rain hit the party everyone gathered around the sidewalk welcoming the happy rain! Which was quite a sight because everyone was as one standing in a line as they danced like there was no yesterday, everyone was reborn under the colorful rain bound by love and driven by a very powerful other-worldly love!


Test Post.